The process was really quick and easy, and I'm really happy with the result.
I sat in the chair chatting with the girl for probably about 4 or 5 minutes while she got out all of her sterilized tools; a clamp, a 16 gauge needle, cotton balls, the jewelry itself etc...
then she cleaned the side of my nose with rubbing alcohol, marked the spot with a surgical marker and showed me in the mirror so I could tell her if I prefered it somewhere else, but she had it placed perfectly the first time
then she used the clamp to keep my nostril open and still/taut
then I closed my eyes when she had the needle and asked if I was ready, because having someone doing something that close to my eyes freaks me out - I tend to close my eyes when getting a haircut even
but she told me to take a deep breath and breath deeply and slowly and then there was a little pressure which lasted maybe 2 or 3 seconds, a sharp sting that was over in 1 or 2 seconds and then I had to wait for maybe 30 seconds more while she threaded the actual jewelry into place.
she cleaned off the little bit of blood, showed me a mirror and gave me after-care instructions. I think the whole thing lasted no more than 10 or 15 minutes tops, and most of that was simple switching from one tool to another, washing, or things of that sort.
She was very friendly and sweet, and said I was a very good customer. And as far as the pain goes, I don't think it really hurt much more than plucking my eyebrows does It did make my eyes water though.