Thursday, February 01, 2007

The shortest month and the longest

Today is the first day of February, both the shortest and longest month of the year in my experience. It may only be 28 or 29 days long, but it is the coldest, dreariest 28 or 29 days of the year. I usually approach the month of February with a sense of dread sitting heavy in the pit of my belly, but this year I am determined to face each day individually and with an appreciation of the fresh start each morning represents. I'm not going to let this February be bad just because there have been a few in the past.

One way I am determined to fight the February blues is by embracing the romantic spirit of February's most famous holiday, St. Valentine's day. Every day, I'm going to try and list a romantic or love related short story, novel, poem, song or movie which has particularly touched my heart and sparked my imagination.

Today I would like to start with Bram Stoker's story 'The Castle of the king'.

This is one of the most beautiful stories I have ever read; dramatic and poetic, just as love should be. It's about a man, a poet, who refuses to be kept apart from his beloved. He is determined to follow her anywhere, even to the castle of the king of death.

You can read this story at the classic literature library which features free public domain ebooks and classics. This link will take you directly to the story : .

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will you be my Valentine?
