Monday, May 21, 2007


After receiving only rejection letters in regards to representation of my novel 'The Heiress of Onderon' I have to admit, I had been starting to feel rather down-hearted. It is part of the business, I know; I've always known writing was a hard career to get started in. Still, a little good news can go a long way at a time like this.

So, when I opened my e-mail today and found a message from someone at 'The Lutheran' magazine (not to be ungrateful, but without asking her for permission, I hesitate to publish her name) informing me that the essay which I had submitted to them would be the feature of their weekly e-newsletter on June 12, the Tuesday before Father's Day.

The essay is about the example my father has set for me, for life in general but specifically as a Christian. It means a great deal to me to have such a personal piece selected for publication. It helps to remind me that all of the best, most important things in my life have begun with my family.

(To receive the 'The Lutheran' e-newsletter every week, please go to and you'll find the link on the left-hand column.)

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