Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

For One More Day

Tonight, around six -thirty (after dinner was over, I had talked to my boyfriend on the phone about nothing, just for the sake of hearing his voice, and before anything remotely interesting was scheduled on TV) I was bored, a little lost for what to do (I just completed the manuscript of my first novel last night - a three year process, and I didn't feel like sitting at the keyboard again just yet) so I ran a nice warm bath and selected one of the books-I've-been-meaning-to-read from my seemingly bottomless books-I've-been-meaning-to-read collection.

I have a tendancy to pick up books because they're in the sale section at Barnes & Noble or keep books that the Book Of The Month Club sent me because I forgot to respond to their monthly mailings; sometimes it seems silly to have books I don't necessarily have any previous interest in reading around. On nights like this, I understand why I can't resist the bargain books and can never send any book away once it's been delivered to me. I'm like a little old lady who can't turn away a stray cat.

Sometimes, those stray-cat books give me a few hours of entertainment and nothing more. That's alright; who can complain about a few hours of entertainment, after all? That's really the point; the reason why we buy most works of fiction in the first place.

Sometimes, though - sometimes you get a glimpse of something bigger, better, brighter - you become a part of something special, and when you are done reading you are not the same as you were when you started.

At about six-thirty tonight I climbed into the bathtub with a copy of Mitch Albom's 'For One More Day' which I had put on the shelf with the thought that I'd heard good things about Mitch Albom's stories and really ought to check him out.

At seven, I had read 1/3 of the book and my toes had gone pruny, forgotten in the warm water.

I climbed out of the tub, toweled off quickly and slid into my flannel PJ's - then settled in to read the rest of the book. It was five minutes before nine PM when I finished the book, bawling like a baby and looking at everything in my life a little differently.

Do yourself the favor of reading this book.

You can buy it at for something like $13.83 or I'm sure at just about any online book retailer or good old fashioned bookstore.